Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Princes of the Midwest

My fellow liberals have offered an olive branch to their counterparts. Judging by the status updates of the few conservative Facebook friends I have, I don't think they'll be as receptive as their candidates are to the idea.

I can't help but feel like for no other reason to elect Obama (sans the environment), this country can now work toward reclaiming a stance as a beacon for the world; good moreso than bad.

I didn't vote for Obama based on his race because he didn't choose to make that a central issue to his campaign. I didn't vote for Obama based on his tax policy, viewpoints on abortion, or gay marriage. For God's sake, he wasn't even my first candidate (Kucinich #1 and a longshot).

Think back to George Bush's 2000 campaign promise of running as "a uniter not a divider". There's really no evidence that suggests he ever had intentions of following through with those empty words.

Obama to me, is the epitome of a man who has the ability to unite this country.

I know it's difficult to accept the direction this country will take if you don't agree with Obama policies, but don't write him off. He's not even had a single day in office. Give him a chance. THEN you can form an opinion.

Grasp this olive branch, or burn it.

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